Wednesday, October 05, 2005


The process is time consuming, the clean-up is awful, every tupperwear seems to be missing a lid and I'm just too lazy to go to the tortilleria for fresh masa. Let 'em eat Maseca! Day three and I'm ready to soak my hojas and fill them with little gifts from heaven. My 6 year old has been waiting for a week to start spreading masa all over herself and make her own surprise tamales. I let her invent flavors. She'll probably go with her standard chicken nuggets version as well as a few sweet tamales no one will ever try again. (Although it sounded good at the time, Tootsie Roll tamales are not going in my steamer this year)

But the end result makes up for all the work. Tonight we eat tamales.


Blogger Foilwoman said...

You are just doing this to torture me, right? You realize how cruel you are being to all the women on the interent (countless millions) married to, living with, or dating men who can't or won't cook who read your blog. I thought you had a kind heart, but I am beginning to suspect evil motives. Also, when's your next business trip to DC?

6:38 AM  
Blogger Prom said...

Foil come to NYC and we'll track him down and mug him for his cooking. Or rather you can have his cooking, I just want to mug him for his creativity since I can't eat most of what he cooks.

qgclgvcg, excuse me!!!

7:28 AM  
Blogger Champurrado said...

Foil, Prom:

It gets worse. My daughter thought it would be good to make dulces with plum. I threw some brown sugar into the masa and we chopped some sweet plums for the filling. They are just so surprisingly good. I can stop. Sorry.

Please do not mug me.

Sadly, no trips planned to DC in the forseeable future.

8:21 AM  
Blogger LiVEwiRe said...

Tootsie Roll tamales? Well there's a new twist on an old favorite! You must have one of the tastiest blogs around!

6:33 PM  
Blogger "" said...

Oh, hot tamale baby! (a Marcia Ball song)

Wish you owed me some favors since I am a jalapeno/chili pepper kind of girl. I am presently savoring the last of the jalapeno peppers my grandmother grew and preserved for me. She's in a nursing home now and I know she misses puttering in her garden.

7:48 PM  
Blogger Professor Salt said...

Nice photos. I left you a note over on my blog about finding masa in Brooklyn. Did you ask on the Outer Boroughs board of

If there's someone in B'klyn griding nixtamal into masa preparada, the folks on chowhound will know. Just make sure you post on their Outer Boroughs board

7:57 PM  
Blogger Champurrado said...

Livewire: Thanks, very gracious of you.
DD: One problem living on east coast is that I can't get the jars of preserved peppers they sell in California. I can use mail order but it's expensive and, well, just not the same.
Professor: Did not make a post but I appreciate the suggestion. Found a tortilleria on 4th avenue in brooklyn. Pretty sure they'll be able to handle the fresh masa needs in the future. Weekday trips to the deepindahearta didn't happen this time. Surprisingly, I had never tried the recipe right on the bag of Maseca. I made one batch on friday and was really surprised at the results. Who knew.

6:02 AM  

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